
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is my penis too big?

i'm 14 years old and my penis is exactly 9 inches when i'm not erecting and 10 1/2 when i a penis like this good?i havent even hit puberty.
this is such a vain question to ask...
and by the way...
it may be to big for some gurls but other gurls are freaks lol
dude.ur gonna be real big after peuberty's done lol
i dont belive that ..

Is my penis supposed to hurt after an orgasm?

listen... i was looking at porn trying to get my fiirst orgasm after the wonderful feel good experiance my penisd was hurting and now 20mins later it still feels hard and it hurts like a penis stone or something hehe... well is this normal for my forst orgasm
Loosen your grip, and change hands.
No. It means you are gay.
Probably. I wouldn't worry about it. My boyfriend's penis gets really sensitive after he orgasms. Just give it a little breal and it'll be all better in a bit.
most of the time it helps if you do it again about a half hour after
Not trying to scare you, but it isnt normal. If it keeps doing it I would get it checked out.

Is My Penis Small PLZ Answer!?

IM 13, my penis is 3.5 inches soft and 5 inches hard. Is that small or normal for my age . PLZ no rude comments but answer honestly
13? Worry about stuff that matters dude.
You are starting waaaaay too soon.

Stop surfing the Internet and letting it effect your self esteem.
You are already average size.
Go play baseball or something worth your time.
normal and it will get bigger
your a kid, your still growing so im sure that you are quite normal, dont worry. plus wee timmy shouldnt be having any fun until he is eighteen when he is fully grown and knows how to wear his rain mac lol ;-)
You are perfectly fine for 13, actually bigger than lot of 13 y rolds. In fact u are bigger than me, so relax you are fine. Have more questions, u can email me.
no stragiht up im 18 and mine is 1.5in limp and 4in hard so be happy with what you got

Is my penis size is okay i.e 4.7 inch long and 4.5 inch in circumfrance.?

girls are encouraged to respond...
In my opinions every guys tool comes in different sizes. I don't think it matters as long as you are comfortable with it.
it depends on ur age if ur below 18 its ok

otherwise not so cool if she's a tramp.
Okay for what? I think you got the short end of the stick.
prefect to fit any where
whatever your size is ,all you need is keep it (erect)up for more than 10minutes into her,she wont even notice the size,and it wont bother you what size is you penis!
that is normal
It's not what you've got, but how you use it. Big guys can think they're great just because they are big. Smaller and adverage guys work on their technique. Get to work.
it should be ok if your below 18.who cares the size of mens tool.
with 4.7 inches long, that's average.
a women likes a portable penis : ]

Is my penis normal?

I'm 14 my penis is slightly over 5 inches when hard and ranges anywhere from 2 to 4 inches when soft. I know that size doesn't matter and I'm still gonna grow, but from personal experience what were you when you were 14? Or just what you think it should be.
Want in on a secret. Most guys will not tell you this but, if you have puberty early then your unit will most likely stop growing around 14 to 15 years old.

If you enter puberty late your unit may grow up until you are 18, that is probably the last point of growth.

Also remember this 90 percent of guys lie about their size.

Average is 5 inches.

It doesn't make one whit's difference who says are what you are and are going to be. Why are you worried about what you cannot control? Spend your energy on useful things.
I guess that it's the size it's supposed to be..
yea your normal dont worry about it
Dude if i told you my unit was 12 inches long when i was 14 really doesnt matter. You get your size from your parents gene pool. What ever your dad or uncles size was it is more than likley you will be that size. We dont share your gene pool mine will be different than yours we all grow differently

Good luck

Its normal, I'm 16 and I'm 5.5 erect, and 1-3 inches flaccid, but 6 inches if I am really turned on
well the average of growm men is 5-6 btw. when i was 14 i was 7 1/2 though. lol im tall though.
Does your penis become erect when stimulated?
Are you able to urinate?
Is your penis of normal color for you?

If you answer yes to the above question your penis is normal.
dude its not something u can compar to others because we all have difernt genetics. but from experiance ya ur normal dont worry there still more time to get bigger and if not not to worry either alot of ladys dont like huge 1s
When I was 14 my penis was like 6-6.5, but when I just turned 14 it was 5-5.5. So it will grow. Dont be worried it all has to do with your genes and its in your blood. Your only 14 and youy will grow at least untill your about 18 or so, so you have plenty of time. Your normal and you will probably grow some more.
I am a proud member of the 6" club.. Never a complaint in my 42 years. Have a friend who is hung like a horse and always made fun of me. Well he is 46 and had one hooker in his day.

Use it safe and use it wise
she will love it if you tongue tickle her thighs
there are some things in life that you have no control over,that's one of them !

Is my penis normal?

Its VERY wrinkly, like an old man's, and i was circumcised. it will randomally stretch out and its really big. Its 11 inches. The normal size is 5-6 inches. I feel sooo embaressed. It always gets in the way. When i pee, sometimes it goes in my face and mouth. HELP!
You certainly are interesting since you also have a big vagina.. Talk to Dr. Phil or Oprah... maybe you can get a cult following.
Put that little thing away and go watch some TV..
Well, there aren't any solutions other than penis reduction, and that surgery may not exist, so you are pretty much screwed. You could try not pointing your penis at your face when you pee.
You obviously are demented.
*sigh* Another pervert question...
You can get a belt for that.. it's like made of lace and sort of stretchy... anyway.. just strap it down with the belt and hang on to the pointy end next time you wee. That's what I do anyway.

Oh .. yes.. rub some chamomile lotion on it for the wrinkles. Works wonders on your scrotum too.

Is my penis average?

i hear 13 year old dudes with 5 in penises but i am 12 and mine is only 2.3 regular and 3.2 erect. My dad is big with a 5.5in regular 7.5 erect but my mom is french and i dont know if they have big or small penises. i have some pubic hair around penis none on armpits. i know all dis cause my mom told me:)
Lol! Hopefully nobody at your school reads this question or you'll be the talk of the school when it starts up again! I highly doubt it's done growing because of your age. Did you tell your mother about the measurements? My son NEVER talked to me about his penis and I never asked him about any measurements either! Try to think about something else and quit measuring it all the time! There's more to life than a big weenie anyway! :-) You are only 12! Start worrying if it's still that size when you're 18! And if it is, so what! Like the doc said, it's not how big it is, it will be how you use it! Women don't like huge weenies anyway because they hurt!
You probably havent hit puberty so dont worry ... im sure you will be big like your dad
Don't worry your not even close to finish growing.
no this is not average for an adult, but you're not an adult. give it time, hopefully you'll grow more
ps it's not how big it is, but how you use it!
if u hit puberty soon u will see major imprivments. whn i was 12 i was 3.5 erect and whn i was 13 it jumped to 6 in
You haven't hit your puberty growth spurt yet. You are very typical in size for your age. Guys start puberty at different ages, and go through it at different speeds. Give yourself a year, and I think you will be amazed at the changes.
Your mom being french has noting to do with anything.
Just relax and let you body take its course. You will grow soon. If your dad is the size you said, it is a good chance you will have the same or close to the same result. Email me if you have other private questions.

Is my man underweight?

He's 39 years old and he weigh's around 60-62kg's and he's 5'9 feet tall.
He eats well, and healthy.
But he's constantly working!
He dosn't smoke.
So is he underweight?
I'm 22, 5'7'' and 69kg and consider myself average/slim, your husband is probably underweight for his age and height (I'd check BMI index also,because I'm borderline underweight). Doesn't mean he isn't healthy, could just have very little fat and/or muscle, and if he has a good diet there should be no worry.
I'm going to stop answering you if you keep posting questions and then deleting them.
Yes, he is.

Is my kid a total idiot on a skateboard?

OK .. so do you ride a skateboard? Well my son is a fool. He does stupid stuff for example... he get's his friends to video him .

and he has a metal plate holding his ankle together from trying to do a kick flip 360 down 7 steps... and only making it down 6 of them. What can I do?
You sound just like my mother did about me and skateboarding and she tried everything to keep me off my board and that just made me want to skate even more..The more you bug him about this the more he will either do it and wont listen to you or care what you half to say about it and i dont think he will quit skating just becouse you say so..One thing you must know its not just a sport or somthing to do its a life style and makes us happy even though bad things happen from time to time and we get hurt but thats part of the game..Just know that from now on he will have this injury in the back of his mind now when he tries things and that might make him calm down on the big stuff as it did with me when i got hurt really bad..The best thing you can do is let him do what he loves and suport him while he is doing it..
just let him do it---his choice
Take his damn skateboard away fromhim and dont buy him another one...see kids dont realize this (leave it to professionals) and make him pay for that metal plate lmao that'd teach him not to ride another skateboard

It's his hobby so let him do what he wants with it. You can't just make him stop skateboarding. Millions of teenage boys hurt themselves all the time by playing sports, and yes, skateboarding is one of them. Don't worry. He won't kill himself or anything. You will probably have a lot of emergency room visits but come on, let him enjoy his youth.
Sorry to say, not much I'm afraid. If you take the skate board away, he will only borrow someones. If you ground him, he will sneak out. All I can suggest is that you talk to him about the dangers, give him ideas about safety. Present all the facts to him. (Perhaps enlist the use of you local doctor or someone else that deals with the trauma) Do it in a manner which he perceives you are only presenting information, not laying down the law. Hopefully he will see common sense and stop doing these things. And remember, what you see as stupid stuff, he sees as cool and a level to attain. At the end of it, you can give him mall the education, information and support, be he must make the final decision. Parenting is hard, I've got three
yeah he is an idiot.
An idiot on a skateboard? I'm guessing he's just an idiot in general. You raised him congratulations.
He is not a total idiot. He is doing just like every other skateboarder. No pain, no game. You will have the occasional injury, some worse then others. Just let him be. If he gets too out of control, take his skateboard away for a while.
Think of it like this, why does he kickflip 7 stairs?
If he can flip 4 stairs and ride away, where is the adrenaline rush?
At least he doesn't take drugs for a rush.
It's he's escape and his high.
wait till he hits his nards =(
Pray to GOD that he ends up like a Tony Hawk or Christian Hosoi. I don't think he'll willingly give up his board(s), especially after an injury like that.

Good Luck~
Rob answered this question leave it to the professionals. The professionals started out this way. Who knows he looks pretty good.

Is my diet and exerscise plan good?

Breakfast: Slim fast Shake, Green Tea, Bottle of Water

Lunch: Slimfast Shake, Mixed Veggies, Celery, Green Tea, Water

Dinner: Grilled Chicken, Mixed Veggies, Sweet Potato, Celery, Water, Green Tea

Exercise: 1 hour of Elliptical

I also take a multivitamin!
I'm sorry, but that is not a good diet. It is not balanced in any way. You need more protein, fruits, healthy fats and fiber in your diet. It is a good idea to reference the new edition of the food pyramid for a healthy balanced diet. Also, your exercise plan is not ideal. You need to mix up your work out in order to work different muscle groups. Try something like this for example:

Breakfast: 2 egg-white veggie omlet OR Shredded Wheat cereal with skim milk OR plain oatmeal with almonds or walnuts AND FRUIT!

Lunch: Large salad with a variety of veggies, nuts, maybe some avocado, low-fat cheese with oil and vingar or a balsamic vinagrette; cup of fat free cottage cheese OR a skim cheese quesadilla on a wheat tortilla

Dinner: A lean meat such as fish (it really is does have the best protein/fat ratio out of pretty much all meats), steamed veggies

Snacks: Almonds; apples; baked chips; nonfat yogurt; fresh fruit smoothies; dry cereal..the list really does go on and on...

You need to add weight training to your workout if you really want to see results. Do 2-3 sessions per week, alternating working the upper and lower body each session. Also, continue with your cardio workouts 4-5 days per week for 45-60 minutes, but mix up your elliptical training with running, cycling, hiking, ect...anything that gets your heart rate up.

Good luck with your healthy lifestyle goals!
See what others say, but personally, I don't like it.
Breakfast--- I think u should add some kinda carb and vitamin c

Eat a bowl of oatmeal... and jucie..

And i think u should add some snacks too. Eat 5 times instead of 3...

Rest looks fine to me.
No. You do not have enough protein in your diet. You may lose weight with that diet but you will also lose muscle. If you add a protein shake in there it will help. 1 gram of protien per lb of body weight that you want to be. If you add weight training to your plan it will help you burn calories long after you stop working out. Sandwich you protien shakes 1hr prior to your workout and immediately after to reduce recovery time.

Is my body destroyed..? can it be reversed?

im 21 and i've been doing drugs since i was 16..drinking 2-3 times a week, cocaine, ecstasy, 2-3 times a month, pills 2-4 times a checking myself into rehab soon because i want to stop but how would my health be affected later on?
you will have long term effects later on in life and withdrawal can be really full on. best of luck with that

be encouraged though - the human body has an amazing capacity for regeneration. like with smoking you can be pouring that tar all the way in smoking heaps and 10 years after you stop there isn't a huge amount of difference between your lungs and someone else's (depending on how long the person had smoked - this example could go either way of course - sometimes there is a genetic susceptibility and one cigarette could cause cancer)

your liver will regenerate well and while you may not ever have as good health as you could have if you didn't do anything, you have caught this early and i commend you for that. put in the hard yards now sort things out talk them through, get the support you need - rehab is a great first step- and the future looks very bright

best of luck and keep on keeping on!
You will be assessed for damages. You will also be given a realistic evaluation for recovery.

Good Luck...this won't be an easy thing to do or stick with.
~Your body has been changed, you've been damaging it for 5 years. No, it can not be reversed. You can become healthier, more alert, and live longer.
They have affected your brain most of all, I'm sure you've killed some brain cells.
It's a really good thing that you're going into rehab, they can answer all of these questions better than anyone on here.
Congratulations on quitting.~
your long term health is going to be affected in ways that cant be determined yet, thats part of the problem with long term drug use, it takes a hard toll on your body that you may not realize until something happens

getting off the drugs now though will greatly reduce the number of things that can happen to you and will allow your body to heal what it can and will add much time onto your life for the better things that you can start to look forward to
after your rehabilitation

so good for you for taking that initial step , and dont give up on yourself when the going gets tough theres plenty of people that have gone thru what you are and will help you along the way

its never too late to go on the right path.
go to the rehab as soon as possible
u'll be able to recover from ur state but if a damage is done it can never b fuli recovered, but since u r onli 21 there are good chances of u to get best possible recovery
go on and "BEST OF LUCK"

Is Michael Jackson a Castrati?


Castrati were men neutered so they could keep their high pitch soprano voices to sing in the church choir, as women were not allowed to sing in there. The practice was abolished after 1870. Michael IS NOT a soprano.
How the f*ck would I know?
Hell no!
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