I'm 14 my penis is slightly over 5 inches when hard and ranges anywhere from 2 to 4 inches when soft. I know that size doesn't matter and I'm still gonna grow, but from personal experience what were you when you were 14? Or just what you think it should be.
Want in on a secret. Most guys will not tell you this but, if you have puberty early then your unit will most likely stop growing around 14 to 15 years old.
If you enter puberty late your unit may grow up until you are 18, that is probably the last point of growth.
Also remember this 90 percent of guys lie about their size.
Average is 5 inches.
It doesn't make one whit's difference who says what..you are what you are and are going to be. Why are you worried about what you cannot control? Spend your energy on useful things.
I guess that it's the size it's supposed to be..
yea your normal dont worry about it
Dude if i told you my unit was 12 inches long when i was 14 really doesnt matter. You get your size from your parents gene pool. What ever your dad or uncles size was it is more than likley you will be that size. We dont share your gene pool mine will be different than yours we all grow differently
Good luck
Its normal, I'm 16 and I'm 5.5 erect, and 1-3 inches flaccid, but 6 inches if I am really turned on
well the average of growm men is 5-6 btw. when i was 14 i was 7 1/2 though. lol im tall though.
Does your penis become erect when stimulated?
Are you able to urinate?
Is your penis of normal color for you?
If you answer yes to the above question your penis is normal.
dude its not something u can compar to others because we all have difernt genetics. but from experiance ya ur normal dont worry there still more time to get bigger and if not not to worry either alot of ladys dont like huge 1s
When I was 14 my penis was like 6-6.5, but when I just turned 14 it was 5-5.5. So it will grow. Dont be worried it all has to do with your genes and its in your blood. Your only 14 and youy will grow at least untill your about 18 or so, so you have plenty of time. Your normal and you will probably grow some more.
I am a proud member of the 6" club.. Never a complaint in my 42 years. Have a friend who is hung like a horse and always made fun of me. Well he is 46 and had one hooker in his day.
Use it safe and use it wise
she will love it if you tongue tickle her thighs
there are some things in life that you have no control over,that's one of them !
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