OK .. so do you ride a skateboard? Well my son is a fool. He does stupid stuff for example... he get's his friends to video him . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eihhiwyon...
and he has a metal plate holding his ankle together from trying to do a kick flip 360 down 7 steps... and only making it down 6 of them. What can I do?
You sound just like my mother did about me and skateboarding and she tried everything to keep me off my board and that just made me want to skate even more..The more you bug him about this the more he will either do it and wont listen to you or care what you half to say about it and i dont think he will quit skating just becouse you say so..One thing you must know its not just a sport or somthing to do its a life style and makes us happy even though bad things happen from time to time and we get hurt but thats part of the game..Just know that from now on he will have this injury in the back of his mind now when he tries things and that might make him calm down on the big stuff as it did with me when i got hurt really bad..The best thing you can do is let him do what he loves and suport him while he is doing it..
just let him do it---his choice
Take his damn skateboard away fromhim and dont buy him another one...see kids dont realize this (leave it to professionals) and make him pay for that metal plate lmao that'd teach him not to ride another skateboard
It's his hobby so let him do what he wants with it. You can't just make him stop skateboarding. Millions of teenage boys hurt themselves all the time by playing sports, and yes, skateboarding is one of them. Don't worry. He won't kill himself or anything. You will probably have a lot of emergency room visits but come on, let him enjoy his youth.
Sorry to say, not much I'm afraid. If you take the skate board away, he will only borrow someones. If you ground him, he will sneak out. All I can suggest is that you talk to him about the dangers, give him ideas about safety. Present all the facts to him. (Perhaps enlist the use of you local doctor or someone else that deals with the trauma) Do it in a manner which he perceives you are only presenting information, not laying down the law. Hopefully he will see common sense and stop doing these things. And remember, what you see as stupid stuff, he sees as cool and a level to attain. At the end of it, you can give him mall the education, information and support, be he must make the final decision. Parenting is hard, I've got three
yeah he is an idiot.
An idiot on a skateboard? I'm guessing he's just an idiot in general. You raised him congratulations.
He is not a total idiot. He is doing just like every other skateboarder. No pain, no game. You will have the occasional injury, some worse then others. Just let him be. If he gets too out of control, take his skateboard away for a while.
Think of it like this, why does he kickflip 7 stairs?
If he can flip 4 stairs and ride away, where is the adrenaline rush?
At least he doesn't take drugs for a rush.
It's he's escape and his high.
wait till he hits his nards =(
Pray to GOD that he ends up like a Tony Hawk or Christian Hosoi. I don't think he'll willingly give up his board(s), especially after an injury like that.
Good Luck~
Rob answered this question leave it to the professionals. The professionals started out this way. Who knows he looks pretty good.
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