
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is my body destroyed..? can it be reversed?

im 21 and i've been doing drugs since i was 16..drinking 2-3 times a week, cocaine, ecstasy, 2-3 times a month, pills 2-4 times a checking myself into rehab soon because i want to stop but how would my health be affected later on?
you will have long term effects later on in life and withdrawal can be really full on. best of luck with that

be encouraged though - the human body has an amazing capacity for regeneration. like with smoking you can be pouring that tar all the way in smoking heaps and 10 years after you stop there isn't a huge amount of difference between your lungs and someone else's (depending on how long the person had smoked - this example could go either way of course - sometimes there is a genetic susceptibility and one cigarette could cause cancer)

your liver will regenerate well and while you may not ever have as good health as you could have if you didn't do anything, you have caught this early and i commend you for that. put in the hard yards now sort things out talk them through, get the support you need - rehab is a great first step- and the future looks very bright

best of luck and keep on keeping on!
You will be assessed for damages. You will also be given a realistic evaluation for recovery.

Good Luck...this won't be an easy thing to do or stick with.
~Your body has been changed, you've been damaging it for 5 years. No, it can not be reversed. You can become healthier, more alert, and live longer.
They have affected your brain most of all, I'm sure you've killed some brain cells.
It's a really good thing that you're going into rehab, they can answer all of these questions better than anyone on here.
Congratulations on quitting.~
your long term health is going to be affected in ways that cant be determined yet, thats part of the problem with long term drug use, it takes a hard toll on your body that you may not realize until something happens

getting off the drugs now though will greatly reduce the number of things that can happen to you and will allow your body to heal what it can and will add much time onto your life for the better things that you can start to look forward to
after your rehabilitation

so good for you for taking that initial step , and dont give up on yourself when the going gets tough theres plenty of people that have gone thru what you are and will help you along the way

its never too late to go on the right path.
go to the rehab as soon as possible
u'll be able to recover from ur state but if a damage is done it can never b fuli recovered, but since u r onli 21 there are good chances of u to get best possible recovery
go on and "BEST OF LUCK"

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